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So, you want to go Open? Intro

So, you want to go Open?

SoOpen - 1. Intro

General introduction about Open Science and Open Source

Duration of the presentation: 45 minutes Access to the presentation

SoOpen - 2. Versioning

How to use versioning in the case of scientific code and collaboration

Duration of the presentation: 45 minutes Access to the presentation

SoOpen - 3. Documentation

How to document and publish code and data Duration of the presentation: 45 minutes Access to the presentation

Access from the source :

Binder Launch with RStudio

Once in RStudio, you can choose the file presentation.Rmd (for the first part) or documentation.Rmd for the third part and click on Knit. You may need to allow popups to see the final presentation in your browser.

If you want to compile the handout, you choose the file or Part 3 _ and click on Preview. When using RStudio on the web, you can only choose HTML. If you are running locally, PDF and Word are also available.

Source of versioning