So, you want to go Open Science?

Joint SCITAS/Library training

For researchers writing code, in order to learn to

  • use versioning
  • document your software
  • share your code with others
  • easily reuse what you have created
  • publish your work and make it useful for the scientific community
  • have larger impact throught code publication

During this day, we will present different techniques and tools that will help you fully embrace the Open Science Way when writing scientific code.

In the morning you will be able to follow three ex-cathedra presentations, whereas in the afternoon we are organizing a workshop. We have alimited number of places for the workshop.

When and where

The workshop will take place on Canceled Thursday March 14th 2019 on the EPFL site

  • Morning: Room Canceled
  • Afternoon: Room Canceled

We are cancelling the workshop planned for Thursday because there is not enough participant.

We will propose this event later in the year and hope we will have a better success, we will contact you about it. Feel free to contact us if you have some questions or need for managing your code.


Morning: Seminar

Time: 9am - 12 noon
Room: TBA

  1. Introduction about OpenScience and good pratices (45 min)
  2. Versioning and collaborative work (45 min)
  3. Documentation and Publishing (45 min)

Afternoon: Workshop

Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Room: TBA

During this workshop, you will learn to:

  • learn how to work effectively as a team using the GitFlow methodology
  • manage your code by having a private part on c4science and a public branch on GitHub
  • document your code
  • link your code to your data on Zenodo via DOIs

The workshop will be general enough for you to be able to use any version management system with Git in the cloud.

In the registration you can indicate whether you are attending only the morning sessions or morning ex-cathedra courses and afternoon workshop.

The worksop will require you to come prepared and with already some technical notions. A list of requirements is provided below.

By subscribing to the afternoon workshop you commit to arrive to the workshop with a laptop equipped with all the required software installed and configured, including all necessary accounts. You can contact us if you have any questions.

Required software and accounts

  • a command line interface from which you can call git
  • an account on
  • an account on GitHub


We expect that workshop participants already know Git basics (clone, pull, push, commit, branch). Alternatively, all the needed material is covered here. We also suggest you try out the Git branching game.

Contact us

You have any questions or requests, please contact us


Registration form